Helping teams hit targets since 2014 with our “Business First. Technology Second” methodology.

All services are designed to deliver value through a “Business First” approach.
Step 1
Business Consultation
All development and technical requests are seen through a business case. Benefits:
✓ Avoid costly mistakes by “developing prematurely”
✓ Plan what the business actually needs
✓ Business objectives and execution alignment = technical iterations
✓ Identify market opportunities
✓ Feasibility reporting and strategic alignment
Step 2
Once the business case is ready, the technical team can design technical requirements. Benefits:
✓ Ready-made technical iterations ready for coding
✓ Solutions architects/ business analysts debug or find better ways to achieve your objectives
✓ All projects are managed to be on time and on budget
✓ Have flexibility inbuilt through our agile project management proceses
Step 3
Once systems have been designed we develop. Benefits:
✓ Full-stack web development
✓ Software engineering services such as native Android and Apple software development
✓ Cloud engineering: DevOps, infrastructure-as-code development, architecture and design
✓ Cybersecurity engineering: Cloud, web application, database and infrastructure security.
Step 4
Support & Maintenance
Once development has concluded we support and maintain your projects. Benefits:
✓ Warranty period for all development
✓ Friendly, non-jargoned support over the phone, in person or online
✓ Support & Maintenance services which update code, apply security patches, fix bugs restore outages and more
✓ We offer ‘Project rescue support’ for projects not developed by us.
IT Support,
Consulting &
CLOUD Engineering
Whatever your need we can bundle them in; Managed Services Provider (MSP), Managed Security Services Provider (MSSP) services.
Here to support you.
Australian, Melbourne based ICT engineering support firm.

Our Consultants Achivements
Our consultants have worked with large organisations such as NASDAQ listed companies Verisign, IXIA, Keysight Technologies, SAP, CSIRO, Afterpay, OpenPay, Deloittes, Western Health and many more companies.
Our consultants are from strong academic backgrounds with graduates from Melbourne University, Monash University, UNSW, Deakin University and some receiveing the Deans scholar’s award.
Most of our consultants receive world class experience with us which are highly sought after skills.
Our consultants have won:
- Australian Information Security Association, academic finalist
- Most well developed program by Performance Education. Award for training ICT graduate students.
- Recipient of technology grant by the Victorian Government’s business innovation and sustaibility department. Development of augmented reality technology in 2014.
- And many more.

Free IT Support
Just like opensourced way of thinking, we believe in helping others, which is why we offer free support to all.
Support examples
- Free business support: 30 minutes free initial consultation
- Free technical consulting support: Free initial systems analysis and design guidance.
- Free open software support: Installation, configurations and management guidance
- Free security support: Cyber security analysis advice and guidance
- Many more examples.
The difference between support and maintenance.
Support is the a human guiding you through the process, where maitenance is the big fixes and technical components such as applying security patches or coding.
Free Software
Did you know you can get enterprise quality software free of charge. Many business owners don’t realise they can save thousands per month by choosing opensourced software.
Take a Customer Relations Management (CRM) as an example, Sales force would charge thousands of dollars per month for a small team. Where you can download and install openSourced software like Suite CRM free of charge. You only pay for the hosting.
Simply download the latest versions and if you need support come back to us.
- Free Customer Relations Management (CRM)
- Free accounting software
- Free Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software
and much more. Just ask us what you need and we probably support it.